For The Winn

20200827 174442
20200827 173936
20200827 173705
20200827 182847
20200827 173520
20200827 184540
20200701 182040
20200701 181618
20200701 181456
20200701 181427
20200701 181417
20200528 124115
20200528 123702
20200528 123827
20200528 123904
20200528 124159
20200411 110218
20200411 110327
20200411 110351
20200411 111317
20200411 111504
20191207 160541 1024x576
20191207 160435 1 1024x576
20191207 160647 1024x576
20200107 132104
20200107 131156
20200107 130850
20200107 132051
Winn Cover 1024x576
20191013 142750 1024x497
20191118 102548 1024x576
20191118 102439 1024x576
20191013 143046 1024x497
20191118 102405 1 1024x576
20191103 114943 1024x576
20191103 115042 1024x576
20191103 115151 1024x576
20191103 115620 1024x576
20191013 142051 1024x497
20191103 115701 1024x576

West Bath, Maine

A cottage on the rocks with views of the Winnegance had been added to and altered over time, but had passed its prime. DMA designed a completely new and updated main floor, but as demolition started, ended up altering the lower floor as well. Construction by Frohmiller Construction.