Tao Yuan Aquaponics Greenhouse

Tao 01
Tao 02
Tao 05
Tao 04
Tao 08
Tao 07
Tao 09
Tao 10
Tao 11
Tao 12
Tao 13
Tao 14
Tao 15
Tao 16
Tao 20

Brunswick, Maine

Architecture: David Matero Architecture
Structural Engineering: Lincoln/Haney Engineering Associates
Structural Engineering (Greenhouse): Casco Bay Engineering
Greenhouse: Arch Solar
Builder: PM Construction Co.

The owners of the popular Tao Yuan restaurant in Brunswick looked to DMA to design an aquaponics greenhouse on an abandoned foundation, originally designed for a townhouse. After receiving approval from the historic committee for a greenhouse that sits on the edge of a commercial and residential district.

In the basement, along with a small parking lot, fish in large tanks help provide nutrients for the plants in the greenhouse. The plants help clean the water that is sent back to the basement. 

The first floor has a large commercial kitchen supporting a bakery and wine shop (currently under construction), as well as offices.